Author: kristopherblythe

Multilingual Learner Education Newsletter #2

Click here (English version) to see our second Ashley Elementary Multilingual Learner Education (MLE) Newsletter! ¡Haga clic aquí (Inglés) para ver nuestro segundo boletín informativo sobre educación para estudiantes multilingües (MLE) de la escuela primaria Ashley! El Capítulo 4 del Consentimiento deContinue Reading

February Newsletter (Volume 7 | 2024-2025)

Principal’s Message Dear Ashley Elementary Families,As we begin the month of February, we are excited to celebrate Black History Month. This month is a time to honor the achievements, history, and culture of Black individuals who have shaped our worldContinue Reading

Apoyando a las familias de Ashley | Supporting Ashley Families

Espero que este mensaje te encuentre bien. Mientras navegamos por estos tiempos difíciles, quiero tomarme un momento para reconocer la incertidumbre y el miedo que muchos de ustedes pueden estar sintiendo debido al cambiante panorama político y las acciones deContinue Reading

Black Excellence Newsletter #2

In 2019, Denver Public Schools passed the Black Excellence Resolution. As part of the Resolution, each DPS school completes a Black Excellence Plan (BEP), which is a strategic document that allows schools to prioritize Black student success. At the coreContinue Reading

January Newsletter (Volume 5 | 2024-2025)

Principal’s Message Welcome back HERD! I hope everyone had a joy filled winter break. As we re-enter the school routine, I want to express my gratitude for the resilience and dedication demonstrated by our students, parents, and staff throughout theContinue Reading

Volleyball Tournament on January 10 at 3 p.m.

Come see our Ashley Elephants showcase their teamwork and volleyball skills! The tournament will happen on January 10th from 3-3:45 p.m. in the gym. Food will be available for purchase! ¡Ven a ver a nuestros Ashley Elephants demostrar su trabajoContinue Reading

Join us for ECE Tours!

Beginning on December 12, Ashley Elementary will be hosting ECE tours each Thursday: Please see here for more information! A partir del 12 de diciembre, la escuela primaria Ashley ofrecerá visitas guiadas a los niños de ECE todos los jueves:Continue Reading

Coffee with the Principal on Friday 12/13!

Please join us for coffee with the principal in the library on Friday, December 13 at 7:45 a.m.! ¡Únase a nosotros para tomar un café con el director en la biblioteca el viernes 13 de diciembre a las 7:45 a.Continue Reading

December Newsletter (Volume 1 | Issue 1 | 2024-2025)

See our December newsletter below! ¡Vea nuestro boletín de diciembre a continuación! Dear Ashley Families,As we wrap up the first semester and prepare for an exciting second semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve accomplishedContinue Reading

November Newsletter (Volume 1 | Issue 1 | 2024-2025)

See our November newsletter below! ¡Vea nuestro boletín de noviembre a continuación! Principal’s Message Dear Ashley Families, As we move into November, I want to express how grateful I am to lead alongside the incredible staff here at Ashley. Together,Continue Reading

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